> Hello
And welcome to my portfolio.
Eemeli Vaskelainen
> Hello
And welcome to my portfolio.
Eemeli Vaskelainen

Selected work - Personal
Selected work - Personal
Selected work - Personal
Tailcaster | 2024
Tailcaster | 2024
Tailcaster | 2024
Bluetooth music player, full prototype product which included GUI developed from scratch and AI-based human-technology interaction
Bluetooth music player, full prototype product which included GUI developed from scratch and AI-based human-technology interaction
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Soundwaves | 2021
Soundwaves | 2021
Soundwaves | 2021
Sound visualizer software which included floating node based UI, high performance custom rendering, and video encoding.
Sound visualizer software which included floating node based UI, high performance custom rendering, and video encoding.
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Selected work - Professional
Selected work - Professional
Selected work - Professional
Data Collection Solutions | 2023 - 2025
Data Collection Solutions | 2023 - 2025
Data Collection Solutions
2023 - 2025
I developed various AI training data collection solutions for our client, where Nvidia Jetson was our target hardware. Data was collected for example from sensors like cameras and LIDARs.
In this project I worked for example with: Python, C++, CUDA, DDS, CAN, RTSP, MQTT, MCAP, ROS2, Docker, Linux.
I developed various AI training data collection solutions for our client, where Nvidia Jetson was our target hardware. Data was collected for example from sensors like cameras and LIDARs.
In this project I worked for example with: Python, C++, CUDA, DDS, CAN, RTSP, MQTT, MCAP, ROS2, Docker, Linux.
Industrial Edge AI Migration | 2024
Industrial Edge AI Migration | 2024
Industrial Edge AI Migration
During the proof-of-concept phase of the project, I contributed by identifying and implementing necessary changes to be done to existing solution developed for a another target. In the productization phase I helped our client to migrate developed software to be run now in Nvidia Jetson.
In this project I worked for example with: Python, PyTorch, CUDA, Docker, AMQP, REST, Linux
During the proof-of-concept phase of the project, I contributed by identifying and implementing necessary changes to be done to existing solution developed for a another target. In the productization phase I helped our client to migrate developed software to be run now in Nvidia Jetson.
In this project I worked for example with: Python, PyTorch, CUDA, Docker, AMQP, REST, Linux
Reinforcement Learning Template | 2024
Reinforcement Learning Template | 2024
Reinforcement Learning Template
Internal project where I developed containerized reinforcement learning template to be used as a foundation for simulation-based AI training. Template showed how to train neural network using double Q-learning for solving autonomous decision-making task. Template was later successfully applied in more complex setting.
In this project I worked for example with: PyTorch, CUDA, Python, Docker
Internal project where I developed containerized reinforcement learning template to be used as a foundation for simulation-based AI training. Template showed how to train neural network using double Q-learning for solving autonomous decision-making task. Template was later successfully applied in more complex setting.
In this project I worked for example with: PyTorch, CUDA, Python, Docker
Containerized Software For Robotics | 2022 - 2024
Containerized Software For Robotics | 2022 - 2024
Containerized Software For Robotics
2022 - 2024
Internal project where the focus was to increase expertise in the context of robotics and autonomous vehicles. During project, I developed various containerized software solutions and proof of concepts. Link to related blog post.
In this project I worked for example with: ROS2, Docker, Python, C++, O3DE, AWS, Jenkins, Linux
Internal project where the focus was to increase expertise in the context of robotics and autonomous vehicles. During project, I developed various containerized software solutions and proof of concepts. Link to related blog post.
In this project I worked for example with: ROS2, Docker, Python, C++, O3DE, AWS, Jenkins, Linux
Tailcaster project started from thought to develop something that I can use often. This turned out to be bluetooth music player. Besides this I wanted to make the player futuristic looking and chose to add display with half transparent mirror on top of it. Furthermore I wanted to add something technologically cool and developed "air touch" for interacting with the player.
Tailcaster name for the project comes from the tail of wires always connected to the whole.
In this project I worked for example with: C++, Python, GLSL, OpenGL, X11, MediaPipe, ZMQ, Protobuf, Bluetooth, Yocto, PyTorch, Linux
From the bellow you can find break down of the project.
Tailcaster project started from thought to develop something that I can use often. This turned out to be bluetooth music player. Besides this I wanted to make the player futuristic looking and chose to add display with half transparent mirror on top of it. Furthermore I wanted to add something technologically cool and developed "air touch" for interacting with the player.
Tailcaster name for the project comes from the tail of wires always connected to the whole.
In this project I worked for example with: C++, Python, GLSL, OpenGL, X11, MediaPipe, ZMQ, Protobuf, Bluetooth, Yocto, PyTorch, Linux
From the bellow you can find break down of the project.
After trying different options, Raspberry Pi 5 combined with Hifiberry AMP4 Pro and Camera Module 2 turned out to be perfect and compact combination with enough performance and quality capabilities.
After trying different options, Raspberry Pi 5 combined with Hifiberry AMP4 Pro and Camera Module 2 turned out to be perfect and compact combination with enough performance and quality capabilities.

Bluetooth Audio
Bluetooth Audio
Bluetooth Audio
Utilizing pi's build-in bluetooth with bluealsa, pi was turned into bluetooth speaker. Furthermore, using bluez and developed "bluetooth host", bluetooth events could be listened and send via dbus now turning speaker into "player".
Utilizing pi's build-in bluetooth with bluealsa, pi was turned into bluetooth speaker. Furthermore, using bluez and developed "bluetooth host", bluetooth events could be listened and send via dbus now turning speaker into "player".

GUI with basic bluetooth player features and functionalities was developed from scratch. Smooth animations and text rendering turned out to be the most challenging part of the implementation.
GUI with basic bluetooth player features and functionalities was developed from scratch. Smooth animations and text rendering turned out to be the most challenging part of the implementation.

Air Touch
Applied pretrained hand gesture recognization model to make "air touch" based interaction possible. This worked out surprisingly well considering limited computational capabilities of pi.
Applied pretrained hand gesture recognization model to make "air touch" based interaction possible. This worked out surprisingly well considering limited computational capabilities of pi.

After a lot of trial and error, 3D printable model was ready after around 30 printing sessions. PLA turned out be fitting material choice for each part after better air flow was implemented to the design.
After a lot of trial and error, 3D printable model was ready after around 30 printing sessions. PLA turned out be fitting material choice for each part after better air flow was implemented to the design.

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Soundwaves project was made as a showcase for applying for developer jobs back in 2021. Main learning's from the project were how to implement full scale software, good software architecture practices, how to implement custom rendering, and why smooth UX is important.
In this project I worked for example with: C++, GLSL, OpenGL, ImGUI, AVC
Soundwaves project was made as a showcase for applying for developer jobs back in 2021. Main learning's from the project were how to implement full scale software, good software architecture practices, how to implement custom rendering, and why smooth UX is important.
In this project I worked for example with: C++, GLSL, OpenGL, ImGUI, AVC
Visualization outcome
Visualization outcome

Floating node based UI
Floating node based UI
Following this section is the "heart" of the project, fragment shader which still today is the most complex piece of code I have written.
Based on the current playback time, the shader reads audio spectrum mapped to GPU's memory and does calculations for rendering extremely smooth lines for creating the visualization as shown in the video.
Performance with this shader was very good, running the visualization in real-time 60 frames a second was totally doable with mediocre GPU. For 256 lanes (as in the video) this meant running the following fragment shader up to 31,850,496,000 times every second.
I can recommend book of shaders for learning fascinating world of shaders.
Following this section is the "heart" of the project, fragment shader which still today is the most complex piece of code I have written.
Based on the current playback time, the shader reads audio spectrum mapped to GPU's memory and does calculations for rendering extremely smooth lines for creating the visualization as shown in the video.
Performance with this shader was very good, running the visualization in real-time 60 frames a second was totally doable with mediocre GPU. For 256 lanes (as in the video) this meant running the following fragment shader up to 31,850,496,000 times every second.
I can recommend book of shaders for learning fascinating world of shaders.
#version 460 core
layout (location = 0) in vec3 position;
layout (location = 1) flat in int id; // 'flat' required
layout (location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout (std430, binding = 2) buffer canvas_stack_fs
int u_ring_count;
float u_song_time;
float u_flow_scale;
float u_thickness;
vec4 padding;
vec4 u_hline_color;
const float PI = 3.141592653;
const float thickness = 0.010;
const int lane_count = 256;
const int block_count = 16;
uniform samplerBuffer u_tbo_tex[block_count];
float random(float x)
return fract(sin(x + 1000.0) * 100000.0);
void main()
// Pixel coordinates
vec2 pixel_position = position.xy;
// Current pixel
vec2 st = pixel_position;
// Offset to the middle
st.x -= 0.5;
// Flow speed affects how much can be seen
st.x *= 1.0 / (u_flow_scale); // Multiply by negative for inverse flow
// Data length * point density = total time in seconds
float total_time = u_ring_count * 0.016;
// Distance represents song time
// Always from "start 0.0 to end 1.0"
float distance = u_song_time / total_time;
// Current pixel where distance is applied
vec2 sts = st;
sts.x += distance;
// Apply sliding effect to the current pixel
st.x += distance;
st = fract(st);
// Current ring calculated from sts
int ring_n = int(floor(sts.x * float(u_ring_count)));
// Lane index from the total lane count
int lane_n = id;
int block_lane_count = lane_count / block_count;
int block_n = int(floor(float(lane_n) / float(block_lane_count)));
// Lane index within the block lane count
int block_lane_n = lane_n - (block_lane_count * block_n);
// Calculate location
int n = block_lane_n * u_ring_count + ring_n;
n *= 4;
// Fetch audio data
vec2 audio_texel = vec2(texelFetch(u_tbo_tex[block_n], n).r, texelFetch(u_tbo_tex[block_n], n + 4).r);
float height_a = audio_texel.x;
float height_b = audio_texel.y;
// Noise calculations
int nr = int(floor(st.x));
float l = fract(st.x);
float noise = mix(random(float(nr + lane_n * 10)), random(float(nr + 1 + lane_n * 10)), smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, l));
// Apply noise to height
height_a = (height_a + (sin(u_song_time + noise * 10.0) * noise) * 0.05);
height_b = (height_b + (sin(u_song_time + noise * 10.0) * noise) * 0.05);
// Space between each point
float gap = 1.0 / float(u_ring_count);
// Position x of two points next to each other
float x0 = gap * float(ring_n);
float x1 = gap * (float(ring_n) + 1.0);
// Line calculations
vec2 pa = st - vec2(x0, height_a);
vec2 ba = vec2(x1, height_b) - vec2(x0, height_a);
float h = clamp(dot(pa, ba) / dot(ba, ba), -80.0, 80.0); // High clamp value fixes visual bug
float dist = length(pa - ba * h);
// Line appearance adjustments
vec2 len = vec2(x1 - x0, abs(audio_texel.x - audio_texel.y));
float ratio = len.y / len.x;
float side = dist * ratio;
dist = sqrt(dist * dist + side * side);
// No need to draw if outside of the line (optimization)
if (dist > u_thickness)
// Actual line segment calculation
float line_segment = smoothstep(0.0, u_thickness, dist);
// Background alpha increases when approaching "zero" height
float bg_alpha = log(audio_texel.x + 1.0) * 8.0;
// Distance from edges
float f = sin(pixel_position.x * PI) * 3.0;
bg_alpha *= clamp(f, 0.0, 1.0);
// Texel fetch color data
vec3 color_texel = vec3
texelFetch(u_tbo_tex[block_n], n + 1).r,
texelFetch(u_tbo_tex[block_n], n + 2).r,
texelFetch(u_tbo_tex[block_n], n + 3).r
// Apply background alpha
float color_r = color_texel.r * bg_alpha;
float color_g = color_texel.g * bg_alpha;
float color_b = color_texel.b * bg_alpha;
float color_a = 0.1;
// Mix final color
vec4 color_final = mix(vec4(color_r, color_g, color_b, color_a), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), line_segment);
// Middle (hearing) line draw
if (pixel_position.x > 0.499 && pixel_position.x <
#version 460 core
layout (location = 0) in vec3 position;
layout (location = 1) flat in int id; // 'flat' required
layout (location = 0) out vec4 FragColor;
layout (std430, binding = 2) buffer canvas_stack_fs
int u_ring_count;
float u_song_time;
float u_flow_scale;
float u_thickness;
vec4 padding;
vec4 u_hline_color;
const float PI = 3.141592653;
const float thickness = 0.010;
const int lane_count = 256;
const int block_count = 16;
uniform samplerBuffer u_tbo_tex[block_count];
float random(float x)
return fract(sin(x + 1000.0) * 100000.0);
void main()
// Pixel coordinates
vec2 pixel_position = position.xy;
// Current pixel
vec2 st = pixel_position;
// Offset to the middle
st.x -= 0.5;
// Flow speed affects how much can be seen
st.x *= 1.0 / (u_flow_scale); // Multiply by negative for inverse flow
// Data length * point density = total time in seconds
float total_time = u_ring_count * 0.016;
// Distance represents song time
// Always from "start 0.0 to end 1.0"
float distance = u_song_time / total_time;
// Current pixel where distance is applied
vec2 sts = st;
sts.x += distance;
// Apply sliding effect to the current pixel
st.x += distance;
st = fract(st);
// Current ring calculated from sts
int ring_n = int(floor(sts.x * float(u_ring_count)));
// Lane index from the total lane count
int lane_n = id;
int block_lane_count = lane_count / block_count;
int block_n = int(floor(float(lane_n) / float(block_lane_count)));
// Lane index within the block lane count
int block_lane_n = lane_n - (block_lane_count * block_n);
// Calculate location
int n = block_lane_n * u_ring_count + ring_n;
n *= 4;
// Fetch audio data
vec2 audio_texel = vec2(texelFetch(u_tbo_tex[block_n], n).r, texelFetch(u_tbo_tex[block_n], n + 4).r);
float height_a = audio_texel.x;
float height_b = audio_texel.y;
// Noise calculations
int nr = int(floor(st.x));
float l = fract(st.x);
float noise = mix(random(float(nr + lane_n * 10)), random(float(nr + 1 + lane_n * 10)), smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, l));
// Apply noise to height
height_a = (height_a + (sin(u_song_time + noise * 10.0) * noise) * 0.05);
height_b = (height_b + (sin(u_song_time + noise * 10.0) * noise) * 0.05);
// Space between each point
float gap = 1.0 / float(u_ring_count);
// Position x of two points next to each other
float x0 = gap * float(ring_n);
float x1 = gap * (float(ring_n) + 1.0);
// Line calculations
vec2 pa = st - vec2(x0, height_a);
vec2 ba = vec2(x1, height_b) - vec2(x0, height_a);
float h = clamp(dot(pa, ba) / dot(ba, ba), -80.0, 80.0); // High clamp value fixes visual bug
float dist = length(pa - ba * h);
// Line appearance adjustments
vec2 len = vec2(x1 - x0, abs(audio_texel.x - audio_texel.y));
float ratio = len.y / len.x;
float side = dist * ratio;
dist = sqrt(dist * dist + side * side);
// No need to draw if outside of the line (optimization)
if (dist > u_thickness)
// Actual line segment calculation
float line_segment = smoothstep(0.0, u_thickness, dist);
// Background alpha increases when approaching "zero" height
float bg_alpha = log(audio_texel.x + 1.0) * 8.0;
// Distance from edges
float f = sin(pixel_position.x * PI) * 3.0;
bg_alpha *= clamp(f, 0.0, 1.0);
// Texel fetch color data
vec3 color_texel = vec3
texelFetch(u_tbo_tex[block_n], n + 1).r,
texelFetch(u_tbo_tex[block_n], n + 2).r,
texelFetch(u_tbo_tex[block_n], n + 3).r
// Apply background alpha
float color_r = color_texel.r * bg_alpha;
float color_g = color_texel.g * bg_alpha;
float color_b = color_texel.b * bg_alpha;
float color_a = 0.1;
// Mix final color
vec4 color_final = mix(vec4(color_r, color_g, color_b, color_a), vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), line_segment);
// Middle (hearing) line draw
if (pixel_position.x > 0.499 && pixel_position.x <